Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Following

Matt 12:14 Then the Pharisees went out,
and held a council against him, how they
might destroy him.

Matt 12:15 But when Jesus knew [it], he
withdrew himself from thence: and great
multitudes followed him, and he healed
them all;

The text does not mentioned how long
the multitudes of the people had been saved.
It did not speak of maturity of the people he
healed. It did not mention anyone having a title.
It simply stated that great multitudes “followed him”,
and he healed them ALL.

They were not following people. They were
not following careers. They were not following
money. They were not following the world’s
economy. They were not following their emotions.
hey simply followed…………him, and he healed
them ALL.

When you follow Jesus, you are following Love.
and when you put Love first that means your
feelings come second. Just think about what
would happen if God put His feelings first.
We would all be in trouble. Even though God does
have feelings, he continues to put His love first.

I know there may be some people that get
on your last nerve but keep following after God.
You may not have a job yet but keep following
after God. You may not be married yet
but keep following after God. You may
not have that house yet but keep following
after God.

If Jesus healed what the Bible calls
“Great Multitudes of People”
How much more can he touch your life
if you would control your
emotions & trust & Follow Him……….

The same God in the text is alive & well today.
The same restorative ability in the text
resides in Him Today. Following Jesus may
not make sense all the time but Trust Him.

If you lost your job, Remember God has
never laid you off.
Remember you are still on His payroll.
You are still receiving His benefits.
and you will still need Him long after the job
that you are believing
Him for has come and gone……….

Just remember:
and great multitudes followed him,
and he healed them all;

Let us pray:

Lord as we follow you by obeying and
keeping your commandments
With Love shed abroad in our hearts,
We receive our healing. We not only receive
our healing, we receive our inheritance for
our families. We receive the ability to
forgive others who spitefully use us. We
only want to follow after the path you have
set before us. Father restore Hope in the
lives of those who are calling on you who find
it difficult to see, hear and feel you in these
difficult times.
Restore Hope in the lives of your people that
have been abused and mistreated.
Cause them to know that their life is not over.
Restore hope to the person
that is reading this blog that is dealing
with issues, the one that cries in the night
because they find it difficult to trust anyone
with who they really are.
And Lord as we follow you through the rain,
through the blizzard, and through
the billowing winds, we hold fast to our
faith because we know that you
have Everything that we could possibly need
to be Complete. Amen

He’s working it out now!

In His Strength
