Matthew 22:1-10 (The Message)
The Story of the Wedding Banquet
1-3 Jesus responded by telling still more stories. "God's kingdom," he said, "is
like a king who threw a wedding banquet for his son. He sent out servants to
call in all the invited guests. And they wouldn't come!
4"He sent out another round of servants, instructing them to tell the guests, 'Look, everything is on the table, the prime rib is ready for carving. Come to the feast!' 5-7"They only shrugged their shoulders and went off, one to weed his garden, another to work in his shop. The rest, with nothing better to do, beat up on the messengers and then killed them. The king was outraged and sent his soldiers to destroy those thugs and level their city.
8-10"Then he told his servants, 'We have a wedding banquet all prepared but no guests. The ones I invited weren't up to it. Go out into the busiest intersections in town and invite anyone you find to the banquet.' The servants went out on the streets and rounded up everyone they laid eyes on, good and bad, regardless. And so the banquet was on—every place filled.
God knows the end from the beginning. No matter what, the seats of honor will be filled to capacity.
It is a wonderful thing to know that all of us have a place in the Kingdom. God has a purpose
and a plan for our lives. He has given us a gift that money can not buy and that is “righteousness.”
God himself has hand selected you and invited you to His son’s banquet. Will you attend?
This is a banquet that you don’t have to purchase a ticket for and don’t have to work for.
Saints the only people who are supposed to be stressed out about economy, food, jobs, etc
are people who are not saved, because people who are not saved have no hope.
I know that may sound a little far fetched but come on people. The devil is trying to
disrupt our focus and that is “Worship.” The thing that makes a powerful testimony
is that we as Christians are not concerned with the cares of This World because we
are not of it. That’s what makes us a peculiar people
because we can withdraw from our heavenly treasures and know that in essence
that we as believers will NEVER be impoverished. The economy of heaven has always
been thriving. Just because things are not moving on your behalf in the natural does
not mean that God is not making provisions in the spiritual and if you trust God through it all,
you will come out as pure gold.
So no matter where you are in life or how much money you have or if you have a job or not,
Run to the banquet and grab a seat. Those of you who have strayed away who cares, give yourself
to Him. Jesus is so soon to come. When you die, the only thing that you are taking
with you is your character. It is more important to be spiritually correct than politically correct.
The seats are filling up quick. All are welcome and after the last seat is filled the doors will be shut.
People will always need a job. People will always have bills but also God will always be praised At All Times
Selah Don’t loose focus. Enter into His rest and don’t worry. As you abide in Him he will abide in you.
Until His Great Return