I am writing you today to simply encourage you.
All over the world right now men’s hearts are failing.
Men’s hearts have become sick.
(copy & paste above link)
Pro 13:12
Hope deferred maketh the heart sick:
but [when] the desire cometh, [it is] a tree of life.
I am getting reports back that Christians are having
a real challenge with their faith. After all the messages
that have been preached about 10 steps to get a house,
5 steps to get a car, 3 steps to get a husband, people are
having a hard time just dealing with intangible pressures.
We have been taught real well
how to give tangibly but perhaps we have not been taught to
give just as good “intangibly” out of our spirit which ultimately
helps bring to past what we are believing God for.
A minister friend of mine had mention in a recent prayer
meeting something very true regarding prayer.
a lot of times during prayer we do most of the talking whereby
we don’t allow the Lord to get a word in to answer our questions.
There are people that are reading this letter that are struggling with
a myriad of issues. Job loss has reached an all time high, Genocide
through abortion has reached an all time high (over 1300 abortions a day).
Corruption in government has reached an all time high.
I don’t care how bad the situation looks, God is able.
He is passionate about you. Others may have taken
You for granted but just know that God has your best interest
at heart. Saints we have to guard what we put
in our eye gate, ear gate, and mouth gate.
As you remain in God’s presence, he will never leave you or forsake you.
If there is any part of you that you have yet to give to him, release it
into his hands now. He is the only one you can trust.
Stay encouraged everyone. Stay encouraged! If God had of forgotten you,
you would have been wiped out a long time ago. He cares for you.
Remain in His presence and he will shelter you through this storm.
I leave you with this text:
Jhn 14:27
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as
the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled,
neither let it be afraid.
Forever in His Love