There times in our lives when we go through
things that deeply hurt us. However through the
Holy Spirit we have the advantage to move past it.
If we are not careful, as time passes, we can miss
out on the opportunity to bring closure to certain
issues that eat away at us.
Footnote: It is dangerous to live life with
a question mark over your head. So the question arises,
How bad do we want closure? What issues have been
plaguing you that can be resolved today, or this week,
or maybe this month. A friend of mine told me that,
“you can’t drive forward looking into a rearview mirror.”
I remember going through issues where by
I was focusing so much on my past rather than
the opportunities that were standing right in
front of me. Bitterness can become a stumbling
block that deteriorates the quality of life whereby
the savor is gone out of it. (Hebrews 12:15)
When we make the decision to move on in spite
of what happened in times past,We have better advantage
over life, and through forgiveness, we can have mercy upon
others. We are not finished living yet. God knows
when the next time we will need a “get out of jail
free card.” (Matthew 5:7)
If we believe that this is the day that the Lord has
made why are we not rejoicing? This is real true faith
because rejoicing in the midst of an issue does not make
sense to the mind. That is why we walk by faith and
not by our feelings. (2 Corinthians 5:7)
To some it may not be a time to rejoice but to be
still and know that He is God. Now I understand that
is takes work, but let us at least get back in the fight and
finish what we started. What fight? The fight of
overcoming ourselves so that the Christ in us can show
face in a plain, practical, pragmatic, down to earth way.
(John 16:33) (2 Peter 2:19)
Just know that God promised that he will not with
hold any “Good Thing” from you. (Psalms 84:11)
As we lay hold of these sacred trues, we get closer and
closer to our destiny. Let us not build a house where God
wants a tent. Let us move on. Let us move on.
Through & by His power