I felt it only appropriate to mention the
significance of the Believer and the Godly
influence that we possess
(The following are quotes from Will Ford
of Hilkiah Ministries)
I do not think God is against marketing strategies
and the like when they are used in the right context
and with the right motivation, nor is He against
the church using TV or other media.What I do believe
He is confronting is celebrity-ism.
Let’s take a moment to summarize the differences
between man’s “celebrities” and God’s “stars”:
• Celebrities entertain people by saying what they
want to hear. Stars provoke people by proclaiming
what God says they need.
• Celebrities are swayed by public preferences
and compromise. Stars are rooted in principles
and unwavering conviction.
• Celebrities hire public relation firms to
hype and protect their reputations. Stars have
died to self and therefore to their reputations;
they know that any light they have is God’s light
shining through them.
• Celebrities seek worldly success. Stars pursue
godly significance.
• Celebrities use people to serve their authority.
Stars use their authority to serve people.
• Celebrities use their influence to impress
society’s “somebodies.” Stars use their influence
to empower society’s so-called “nobodies.”
• Celebrities seek crowds and crowns. Stars seek
God and lay down their crowns;
when God exalts them, it’s because of their humility.
• Celebrities build their own kingdoms. Stars build
God’s Kingdom.
Celebrities may influence a fashion trend or a catchphrase,
but stars are building an unseen legacy in eternity
that can influence generations to come on earth.
You can either be a bound celebrity, enslaved to
people’s opinions and the kingdom of darkness,
or you can be a star and rule and reign with Christ
in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6)!
Be blessed
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