It was something about the power that was
placed inside of Iron Man. He used some scraps
to get himself out of the situation he was in.
He put some super on his natural.
Every blood washed, spirit filled believer
must know and understand the power that worketh
on the inside of them so that they may use that
power to its optimum capacity. Everyday we wake
up with new Grace and mercy and renewed strength.
It is our job to draw from the resurrection power
that worketh with in us. (Luke 10:19)
We all knew that Iron Man was going to escape
in the beginning of the movie. We already knew
he was coming out of his situation almost close to death.
We just wanted to know how he was coming out of it.
(Psalms 46:1)
Many of us are in turmoil right now.
It’s not a matter that God is going to get us out,
It is a matter of how and the the thing is God has
not revealed to us how he is going to do it.
We just have to be still and know that he is God
and trust him. (Psalms 46:10)
Before it’s all over he will show himself strong
in this situation and reveal
What was once hidden from you.
(2 Chronicles 16:1)