Greetings in the Name of Our Lord and Savoir
Jesus Christ,
I see now why Christianity must be a lifestyle
and not just a mere religion because every issue
can not be dealt with in a Sunday morning service.
The anointed one and His anointing has begun moving
from the church building into our homes.
(1 Corinthians 1:7)
Whereby we are beginning to see God’s word come to
past in our lives. Pastor spoke Sunday regarding God's
favor in our lives. There are those of us that are
having a wonderful day. To those that have been receiving
a breakthrough in your finances this week, Don’t let
the enemy make you feel guilty for being blessed.
You must continue to stand in that blessing that has
been granted to you.This week I have received more
favor on my job than I ever have. I’ve had significant
amounts of money thrown @ me this week. Just about every time
I have picked up the phone today, I have gotten orders
from my customers. I have already surpassed my quota
for the month. Yeah it’s not fair but favor through your
obedience will cause supernatural occurrences to
reside over your life. (Acts 7:10)
Unfortunately there are those of us that are having
a horrible day and to you I say “Keep Standing”
I know what it feels like to have everybody around
you getting Blessed and still see no results. I know
what it feels like to not even want to get up out
of the bed in the morning to face a day of hell @ the
job. I know what it feels like to not even want to go
on anymore due to the fact that I couldn’t even find
a job for months and months thus feeling insignificant
and useless to this world. (Romans 8:25)
To some of you, the enemy has convinced you
that you are only good enough to perform on a certain
level. But my question to you is “What does the Word say you Are?”
You can not go by what you feel but rather by what is WRITTEN!
How bad do you want it? What do you have @
your disposal? (Titus 1:16)
Have you exhausted your resources to their
optimum capacity? What has God given you that
is with in your reach? Don’t let the enemy intimate
you. Just because you don’t see the blessing doesn’t
mean it’s not there. I am not in the city right now
but I know the Empire State Building is still standing.
I promise you the blessing is there, the job is there,
the healing is there! But if you have the faith as a
grain of a mustard seed, you can speak to the mountain
and command the mountain to be removed. (Luke 17:6)
I apologize for appearing long winded but I sense
someone in a massive transition into a place of
Permanent Provision. (John 15:16)
Let’s Pray:
I speak to the spirit of discouragement, depression,
and anxiety that is causing God’s people to loose
rest during the night. I command them to flee
In the name of JESUS!!! to never return again.
Lord your word says in 2 Corinthians 4:17 for our
light affliction which is but for a moment, worketh
for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.
So Father we stand on that word in confidence that
you are able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all
that ye may ask or think In Jesus Name Amen.
In His Arms